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"Inis" is the Gaelic word for island - or land surrounded by water.  In a river, an inis can block the way. But it also creates an opportunity - a 'fork in the road' - a choice of which direction to go.  When you feel blocked or stuck, Inis-Ink Counselling services can help you understand what is in your way and help you make choices about what path to take.


You can find out more about the counselling, life coaching and mindfulness techniques used at Inis-Ink on the pages in this website. You can also find out more about the writing workshops on offer or visit or follow my blog, in which I write about my own continuing journey towards self-compassion.

Welcome to Inis-Ink Counselling: 

 Dedicated to supporting you to write the next chapter in your life

Contrary to popular belief, it is common for life to feel unmanageable at times. Most of us struggle to cope at some point in our lives. At Inis-Ink Counselling, we can help you sort out what is wrong and support you to make changes that improve your life and improve your ability to cope.


Whether you can benefit from counselling (talking through any issues in your life), life coaching (finding ways to make the changes you want in your life) or writing to enhance your self-awareness, the services at Inis-Ink will support you to navigate your way through life to bring you to calmer waters.


© 2022 by Inis-Ink Counselling 

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Inis-Ink Counselling

Townhead Street

Hamilton ML3 7DP

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